Products liability claims have seen a sharp increase in recent years. With the influx of mass tort advertising, along with the sizeable verdicts reached in jurisdictions across the country, it is critically important for manufacturers, distributors and retailers to secure representation of counsel that are experienced in defending against these claims. Walker, Revels, Greninger, PLLC has an extensive history of defending product liability claims in state and federal court. The experience of our attorneys inside and outside the courtroom enables the firm to handle claims thoroughly and efficiently, whether vigorously defending cases at trial or expeditiously resolving matters prior to trial.
Products liability litigation is demanding with respect to both the sophistication of the underlying disputes and the need for extensive litigation resources.
Here at Walker, Revels, Greninger, PLLC, we have the networks necessary to secure top-notch medical and engineering information so as to provide guidance on technical matters as litigation develops. Over the years, we have also developed a trusted network of experts who can provide supportive testimony to further enhance our client’s position.
Contact Walker, Revels, Greninger, PLLC for Assistance
If you would like to speak to an experienced product liability attorney regarding products liability claims, then we encourage you to contact our team at your earliest convenience. Call us at 407-789-1830 or complete an online intake form to schedule a consultation.
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